On My Easel – Bull Elephant – 28th Sept 2019

Most artists I know can knock out a finished work in a few days. Some even in a day. I’m a little slower. In fact, I probably feature towards the end of the field. Start off like the hare and then get side tracked. What with writing for a car show in our suburb, grandchildren and sundry other distractions, I’m likely, most times, to finish behind the hare!

The car show was successful but is now a thing of the past so there is no excuse for not painting. Here’s an update on the Bull Elephant which I wrote about in February. He is slowly coming together and should be done in a week or so. Not the best image as it was taken with a mobile. My own camera fell and the case shattered. There are no spares available so I will have to fork out for a new one in the not too distant future.

Bull Elephant - Art By Bruce
Bull Elephant – 28 Sept 2019

Compare him to the February Image. 4 Baby Elephants done for a baby boy’s room.

See my other available work available in our shop.

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Art By Bruce, Oil and Acrylic Paintings, Done with Heart and Soul

I am up to any challenge and invite you to contact me if you have a favourite image or even an idea for a painting. You can e-mail me on bruceA684@gmail.com and I will get right back to you.

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