On My Easel – Jessica – Ceres Rail Company -17th July 2018

Ceres Rail Company - "Jessica" - artbybruce - Bruce Andrew
Ceres Rail Company – “Jessica” steaming out of Caledon – June 2018

There is a very active steam train company that works out of the Cape town of Ceres – Called the Ceres Rail Company. They have several restored steam engines and a number of old South African Railways carriages.

The company offers nostalgic trips from 1 to 5 days around the Western Cape.

In June of this year they ran a four day trip from Cape Town to Elgin, Bredasdorp, Arniston and back to Cape Town.

I managed to capture the train shortly after leaving the Overberg town of Caledon steaming it’s way to Botriver and an overnight stay at the Houw Hoek Hotel.

The Houw Hoek Hotel is one of the oldest hotels in South Africa.

On the Sunday the train stopped at the Elgin Railway Market before continuing its last leg, down Sir Lowry’s Pass and back to Cape Town.

This piece is 60 x 42 cm and will be completed in Oils.

Art By Bruce, Oil and Acrylic Paintings, Done with Heart and Soul
Bruce Andrew
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