Sold – Umhlanga Rocks Lighthouse

Art By Bruce - Seascape - Lighthouse - Oil Painting - Umhlanga Rocks - South Africa
Umhlanga Rocks Lighthouse – KZN

This oil painting on a stretched canvas measures 305 mm x 406 mm or 12 in x 16 in. The subject is the Umhlanga Rocks Lighthouse just north of Durban on South Africa’s east coast. There are always a number of ships at anchor outside Durban Harbour, waiting to enter port. There is a wind surfer about to crest the rear wave. The lighthouse has a rotating white light as well as a static 30° red light used by the ships in the outer anchorage to assess their position relative to the beaches of Durban.

Two links that may be of interest – Cape St. Blaize Lighthouse and Dangerpoint Lighthouse

Bruce Andrew
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